You can rely on our experience.

Our clients and job candidates will always see one face and hear one voice. For us the personal contact to both parties is absolutely crucial. We are by your side right from the first contact, during the interviews and also during the on-boarding process after signing the contract.

Please let us convince you of our “tough” procedures when successfully recruiting top managers and top-level specialists.

Christoph Hendricks


About me

I have more than 15 years of experience as HR manager in the operative and strategic personnel management in larger medium-sized companies and international enterprises – mainly in the industrial sector and information technology. Now I’ve been the joint owner of TOUGHSTAFF Personalberatung GmbH for more than 10 years and I’m still actively involved in recruiting.

Focal points

Clients with data driven business models and companies which implement change e.g. caused by new digitalization processes. Clients which are very sales focused in the B2B world and which are very often not on the job candidates’ wish list.

Sectors of Industry

Information technology, media, automotive, chemical industry and energy

»In our digital world it is my passion to help candidates and clients make sustainable decisions.«
Christoph Hendricks

Nicole Lehmann-Bochem


About me

More than 20 years of experience in Human resources management, mainly as senior manager and HR director in family-run businesses, medium-sized companies and large international enterprises. Now I’ve been the joint owner of TOUGHSTAFF Personalberatung GmbH for more than 10 years and I’m still actively involved in recruiting.

Focal points

Consultant for companies undergoing development and change processes, in-depth knowledge of complicated business models with special job profiles, and for companies without obvious employer branding.

Sectors of Industry

Retail industry, teleshopping, e-Commerce, mail-order business, logistics, construction/-suppliers, mobility, healthcare, payment

»I’m always interested in people and I enjoy bringing them together. In both my professional and my private life. This is my source of energy.«
Nicole Lehmann-Bochem

Claudia Reipen

Project Assistant

About me

More than 20 years of working experience in administration and as an assistant in personnel management in family businesses and medium-sized companies. Assistant to the managing directors of TOUGHSTAFF Personalberatung GmbH for more than 10 years now.

Focal points

Many years of working experience in the area of personnel recruitment and project support. Taking on all tasks regarding the office and team organisation.

Len Marienfeld


About me

Since 2022 dual student in human resources management and consultant-trainee.

Focal points

Support of projects in executive search. Experience in search of candidates directly and conducting interviews. Analysis of the employee market based on customer-specific requirements.

Daniela Teichmann


About me

Business engineer with 20 years of experience in the areas of logistics, quality management, sales and product management in an international corporate structure.

Focal points

Project support in executive search and active sourcing.

When do we connect?

Please get in touch with us if you are interested in our service.

Contact us